From Parashat B’shallach
“Fear is a powerfully creative force. Every great invention and every intellectual advance has behind it as a part of its motivation the...

OSRUI Recruitment
I am fortunate that, as part of my role here at Emanuel Congregation, I am given the opportunity to serve on faculty at our Union of...

Future of Synagogue Life
“Mom, why do you have to go to Arizona for ‘so long’ for work? Can’t you just fly home each night and go back the next morning?” Such a...

Meet Emanuel Congregation’s Legacy Renewal Team
Earlier this year, Emanuel Congregation created the Legacy Renewal Team to build a sustainable future for the community and to stabilize...

A Thanksgiving Message
Ben Zoma said: Who is rich? He who rejoices in his lot, as it is said: “You shall enjoy the fruit of your labors, you shall be happy and...

Transgender Day of Remembrance
On the evening of Nov. 28, 1998, a transgender woman named Rita Hester was violently stabbed in her apartment. She was found clinging to...

Sharing Sacred Space
A Special Message from Cantor Michelle Drucker Friedman and David Rakofsky, President Friends, In Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18), we read...

Volunteer Spotlight: Bob and Devorah Heyman
Bob and Devorah Heyman are familiar faces around Emanuel for their contributions during the High Holy Days and year round. They have...

Staff Profile: Education Director Mandy Herlich
Students returning to Emanuel Congregation Religious School this fall will find a new approach to learning, initiated by Education...

American Idols
Just a few weeks ago we chanted the Sh’ma for the 2nd time in our Torah cycle-considered to be the central statement of monotheistic...