Meet Emanuel Congregation’s Legacy Renewal Team
Earlier this year, Emanuel Congregation created the Legacy Renewal Team to build a sustainable future for the community and to stabilize...

A Thanksgiving Message
Ben Zoma said: Who is rich? He who rejoices in his lot, as it is said: “You shall enjoy the fruit of your labors, you shall be happy and...

Change Is Inevitable
I recently discovered this little cartoon (artist unknown), and it gave me one of those, “oh yeah, I almost forgot that” moments. Change...

Welcome Back!
Kehilla – community – kehilla *clap* This is an example of the sandwich method that our regional Union for Reform Judaism camp, Olin Sang...

Staff Profile: Rabbi Emeritus Michael Zedek
Rabbi Emeritus Michael Zedek will return to the bima this fall to lead High Holy Day services at Emanuel Congregation for the first time...

Off to Summer Camp
I have had today’s date highlighted in my calendar for a long time. I have been looking forward to today for months. Today, I am getting...

I interrupt your regularly scheduled program…
Normally, this is where you find a thoughtful article written by someone at Emanuel, whether it is staff, a board member, or a...

A Few Words from Rabbi Michael Zedek
Dear Friends, I am writing these few lines immediately after a Zoom call with a number of rabbinic colleagues in the greater Chicago...

Volunteer Spotlight: Mark Warnaar and Susan Bertocchi
If you’ve come to one of Emanuel Congregation’s beloved Share Shabbat dinners over the past 16 years, you’ve enjoyed the cooking of Mark...

Lador Vador
Shalom Chevrei: As a legacy congregation, we understand the power of lador vador, intergenerational connection. For 141 years, Emanuel...