Volunteer Spotlight: Bob and Devorah Heyman
Bob and Devorah Heyman are familiar faces around Emanuel for their contributions during the High Holy Days and year round. They have...

May We Be Strengthened
“Be strong, be strong and may we be strengthened” Many Hebrew words and phrases, just like most things in the world, are, of course,...

Volunteer Spotlight: Rob Moss, Executive Board Member & Tech Captain
During Emanuel’s virtual Shabbat services on Friday nights and Saturday mornings, Rob Moss can often be heard reading the names of people...

Volunteer Spotlight: Mark Warnaar and Susan Bertocchi
If you’ve come to one of Emanuel Congregation’s beloved Share Shabbat dinners over the past 16 years, you’ve enjoyed the cooking of Mark...

Volunteer Spotlight: Emanuel Stitching Ladies
The Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t slowed down Emanuel Congregation’s Stitching Ladies. Although the group has been unable to meet in person...
Reflections On the Weekend
"As a synagogue community, we affirm that Black Lives Matter and our commitment to making space to do the work of anti-racism." Read...