Tikkun Olam - Repairing the World
Building community. Being a Force for Good.
At Emanuel Congregation, we strive to live our mission of being a force for good. Here are a few ways our members and the community at large can get involved and make a difference.
Mitzvah Corps
The Mitzvah Corps of Emanuel Congregation is reconstituting and welcomes members to join us. Our first projects this year will be a series of donation drives and education about the needs of various Chicagoland communities centered on our monthly Share Shabbat gatherings. Our first project was a school supply collection and we have others planned. Our goal is to raise awareness of some of the many unmet needs in the city at large in a way that everyone can contribute, children and families can develop the habit of ongoing tzedakah participation, and recipient organizations will be aware that the Jewish community is part of all of Chicago.
We welcome the participation of all Emanuelites in this effort, and we welcome new ideas for this work. If you are interested, please email Joy Getzenberg (joygetzenberg@sbcglobal.net) or Miriam Kalichman (kalichman@sbcglobal.net)

New Arrivals (Migrants)
We will be taking up a collection for migrant individuals and families. We are waiting on details of their needs and will update the community on the specifics.
Chesed (loving-kindness) Team
We are looking for people who would like to be a part of spreading loving kindness. During this difficult time our team is organizing people to make wellness phone or video calls, run errands for seniors or high-risk individuals, lead a core committee to help with planning and assigning tasks, and people with other skills they want to share. If you want to be part of our Chesed (loving-kindness) team, please contact Sarabeth Salzman at sarabeth@emanuelcong.org or 773-561-5173 ext 109. Thank you!
Emanuel Stitching Ladies
Though the Stitching Ladies can't meet in person right now, they are still stitching at home!
During World War II, the Emanuel Congregation Stitching Ladies (formerly known as the Sewing Ladies) sewed for the Red Cross. Today, they knit, crochet, and sew such items as baby blankets, lapghans, sweaters, hats, scarves, mittens, and shawls. These items are donated to local hospitals and social service agencies, among them St. Joseph’s Hospital Jesse Brown VA Hospital, Northwestern Hospital Women's Cancer Center, Care for Real, The Ark, and other social service agencies for their clients. We encourage knitters and crocheters to join us on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm at Emanuel Congregation. We supply the yarn; you supply the working hands!
Tikkun Olam Book Club
Join others in discussing books that cover a variety of relevant topics surrounding social justice and Tikkun Olam. Contact the Emanuel office for more information or visit our Calendar page to search when the next meeting is scheduled, or check our Upcoming Events page.
Blood Drives
Emanuel Congregation hosts blood drive 4 to 6 times throughout the school year. Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S needs blood to save their life. You can be a life saver! If you are interested in donating blood, please make an appointment online at www.vitalant.org, click “Donate” and search by group code J221. Appointments are recommended, walk-ins are welcome!
Tzedakah Collection Boxes
Near the main entrance of Emanuel Congregation, we have placed donation collection boxes for local service agencies such as Care For Real, The Ark, and Shalva. Throughout the year, congregants donate items to Care For Real such as clothing, household cleaning supplies, and personal hygiene products. For Shalva, we collect used cell phones and iPads.
Maot Chitim
Maot Chitim is the ancient custom of offering food to provide for the poor for the observance of holidays. Maot Chitim of Greater Chicago delivers food packages to over 5,000 area residents for Rosh Hashanah and Passover. Emanuel Congregation has participated in this seasonal mitzvah for over a dozen years. Contact the Emanuel office for more information regarding the next available Maot Chitim volunteer opportunity.