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Change Is Inevitable

I recently discovered this little cartoon (artist unknown), and it gave me one of those, “oh yeah, I almost forgot that” moments. Change is inevitable. Change is also a subject that has come up a lot over the course of the past 19 months, and how to deal with unwanted change. Luckily, some types of change are forces for good; they spur growth, open doors, create room for a new perspective. For some time now, I have been seeking change in my professional life out of a desire to grow and prosper, and as a result I have accepted a position with Studio North as Social Media Coordinator. My last day as a full-time employee of Emanuel Congregation will be Monday, October 25.

During the course of my five and a half years at Emanuel, I have met many wonderful people and had opportunities to grow as a person and as a professional. As many of you already know, I started out as a part time receptionist, seeking a little bit of steady income while I continued to pursue my theatre career. Over the years, and through personal growth, reflection, and a heartbreaking decision to leave the professional theatre career path, I started the journey of finding what was next for me. The work I engaged in at Emanuel gave me the space and time to try different tasks and strengthen various skills under the broad umbrella that is marketing. I found I enjoyed the work and decided to seek a job that would allow me to work full time as a marketing professional, as well as provide me with opportunities for continued growth, continued change. That opportunity has finally come.

It’s not easy to say goodbye to Emanuel. There is so much to accomplish, and the opportunity to be a part of Emanuel’s evolution into what it will become is one thing that kept me showing up every day. But with my departure, I am creating space for a new perspective on how the administrative work at Emanuel can be structured and financially supported with a limited budget. I hope the change brings prosperity; that my bittersweet departure brings more sweet than bitter.

To those who I have worked closely with over the years, I can’t thank you enough for your leadership, support, and friendship. Emanuel Congregation is enriched by your service and your commitment to caring. You create a warm, welcoming place for all who enter these doors. I hope to walk through them again in the future as a community member wanting to be part of Emanuel’s force for good change.

Nicole Tuthill

Marketing Coordinator and Administrative Assistant


A Few Words From SaraBeth Salzman, Executive Director

These Past Five Years

October 18, 2021

During the last five years, Emanuel has had the privilege of working with Nicole Tuthill, who has served in the role of Marketing Coordinator & Administrative Assistant. It was clear when I came on board that she had grown during her first four years with us and this has continued to be true over this last year. So when she shared with me that she was looking for her next step, you can imagine I selfishly wanted her to stay with Emanuel. However, I also know the importance of professionals having an opportunity to grow in a way that works best for them. And this new opportunity in front of Nicole, is just that - an incredible professional opportunity that can foster her continued growth that only leaves room for us to be happy for and with her.

Nicole, thank you for your work to make and implement procedures for our staff and community to help things run smoothly. Thank you for your hard work during the pandemic when so much was unknown, during changes from working in the office to being remote and shifting all of our events online only increasing our need for marketing. And a personal thank you for your warm welcome and help when I arrived a year ago.

As Nicole said, “change is inevitable” and as a community that supports each other, we are so happy to see her find her next step and just feel really lucky we had the last five years to work with her. Thank you, Nicole... for everything!

You can also take a moment to thank Nicole and wish her well in her new role during her last week with Emanuel by emailing her at

SaraBeth Salzman

Executive Director


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