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OSRUI Recruitment

I am fortunate that, as part of my role here at Emanuel Congregation, I am given the opportunity to serve on faculty at our Union of Reform Judaism’s regional camp, Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute (OSRUI), for two weeks every summer. I look forward to these two weeks all year as I love getting to be a part of the magic of camp. OSRUI is located in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, about 2 hours from Chicago.

I know it is hard to think about summer when the days are so short and we are still awaiting our first snowfall of the year, but if your children have not yet decided on their summer plans, I encourage you to consider OSRUI as an option this summer. Along with more than 1,000 Jewish kids from all over North America and beyond, we already have a strong contingent of Emanuel families that call OSRUI their second home. I would love to see more and more of our children experiencing the fun, friendship, love, and Judaism that are a given during summer in Oconomowoc. Below is a little more information about each of the sessions. It would be a pleasure to get to spend my time up at OSRUI with even more of our Emanuel children this summer! You can learn more at Of course, if you have any questions about camp, please feel free to reach out. I would be happy to share my own thoughts and experiences or to put you in touch directly with the staff at OSRUI.

Atid. A taste of camp - Atid campers get to experience all of the great things camp has to offer. Atid is for children entering grades 2-3. (5 days)

Kallah. The joys of camp – perfect for younger and first-time campers entering grades 3-5. (2 or 3 weeks)

Kibbutz HaTzofim. Chickens and goats and tents! … the outdoors comes alive for campers entering grades 4-7. (2 or 4 weeks)

Gesher. The ultimate OSRUI experience, lots of electives, leadership, and tikkun olam – for campers entering grades 6-10. (4 weeks)

Moshavah. Outdoor camping and adventure for campers entering grades 8-9. (4 weeks)

Chalutzim. OSRUI’s unique Hebrew immersion program for high school students entering grades 10-11. (7 weeks)

…and more!


Mandy Herlich, RJE

Director of Religious School


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