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Reflections on B-Mitzvah Memories

This past Friday, I had the privilege of joining 6 young women as they re-celebrated their B-Mitzvah. Their original service took place over zoom and this was their opportunity to celebrate together, on the Bimah with Cantor Friedman, friends, family and community members. What a beautiful service.

During the Torah portion, Termurah, I realized it was the same portion of my own B-Mitzvah, held ### years ago. So I went to the basement and pulled out my old folder, containing my service notes, speech and honors list. You know what stood out to me? What I remember and what I don’t remember. I don’t remember the food, decorations, or centerpieces, etc. I do remember a moment in the service that I realized I was done, and my dad and I shared a look from across the room. I remember my older siblings laughing through my Torah portion and trying to distract me after they read the Aliyah. I remember wearing the tallit my mom made for me and I remember my cousin, Melanie (A Rabbi), flying across the country to help officiate the service only three weeks after having her youngest daughter (I am confident I still owe her for that one).

As an adult, I realize my memories are tied to the pieces that mattered to me, even if I didn’t realize it at that time. I hope that Stella Blackstein, Mia Cohen, Aviva Gladstein, Maddie McCawley, Noa Sutton-Korthase, Maddie McCawley and Abby Weinraub all have similar thoughts as they look back at their zoom-Mitzvah and the celebration last Friday. Because in the end, it’s the people, the moments and the community that help us make those powerful and emotional memories. Mazel tov again to each of you and thank you for allowing me to be with you last night.



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