Staff Spotlight: Jack Merchele
If you’ve attended Emanuel Congregation’s Shabbat services online or in person in the past month, you’ve heard the work of Jack Mecherle, the new sound and livestream technician.
His job, he says, is to “make sure everyone in person can hear the service and everyone on the livestream can see and hear the service.”
Jack became interested in sound engineering as a kid when his uncle would give him his old Mac computers after buying the latest systems. “I stumbled upon music software that came free with the computer called Garageband,” he says. “The rest is history!”
He took the job at Emanuel to fine tune his technical skills and to connect with a new group of people.
“I have always been working for houses of worship since the beginning of my career, '' he explains. “Most of my growth in audiovisual skills came from working in IT and running sound for bands at a casino!”
Jack gets a lot of satisfaction from solving technical problems, especially when they involve troubleshooting problems with sound. At Emanuel, he feels welcomed and appreciated by the community.
Outside of work, Jack enjoys playing the guitar, making music with bands and artists, playing tennis, making pour-over coffee, and watching thought-provoking TV shows and films.