Worship at Emanuel
Worship Times
Friday evenings at 6:30 pm
Saturday mornings services happen on those occasions when we celebrate a B-Mitzvah.
We will also continue to live stream our services on our YouTube channel, 5959online.org. If you have questions, please contact the Emanuel office at 773-561-5173. Everyone is welcome!
Saturday mornings often offer two adult study options:
Talmud-by-the-Lake Study Group. Connect via Zoom, click HERE.
Rabbi Herman Schaalman (z"l) Torah Study, led by Rabbi Zedek or members of the Emanuel community. Connect via Zoom, click HERE.

Joining Shabbat services virtually at 5959online.org?
View slides to follow along during services; click the links below for a PDF of the service slides:
The cycle of the Jewish year is celebrated at Emanuel starting with the High Holy days in the fall. Celebrate Sukkot with the religious school students, then dance and unroll the Torah during Simchat Torah. Winter is forgotten at the Chanukah dinner where members light hundreds of candles and eat hundreds of latkes together. The religious school students lead Tu BiSh’vat observance and address environmental issues for the New Year of the Trees.
There is a raucous reading of the Megillah at the religious school Purim Carnival. Later the adults gather for a dinner and show to celebrate the victory of Esther, Mordechai, and the Jewish people. Join the Women of Reform Judaism for a pre-Pesach Women’s Seder in preparation of the holiday or the congregational Seder sponsored by the Brotherhood on the second night of Pesach.
In the spring we celebrate Shavuot, when the 10th grade confirmation class joins the adult community and leads services. The cycle nears completion with recognition of Tisha B’Av, then we return to High Holy days and the start of a new year. Worship services are open to the public, please join us.
Life Cycle Events
Naming a Child
As part of a growing urban congregation, we welcome many babies into Jewish life every year.
If you are expecting a baby, please contact Cantor Shelly Drucker Friedman to start planning for your new arrival. Staff can help you locate a mohel, select meaningful Hebrew names, and find ways to honor
your child.
Bar and Bat Mitzvah
Congregational Cantor Shelly Drucker Friedman guides our Bar and Bat Mitzvah students through the challenges of their torah portions and on the responsibilities of becoming an adult in the Jewish community. All students are encouraged to undertake a tzedakah project during the year of their bar/bat mitzvahs, and reflect on the responsibilities towards the community that they are about to join as adults.
Anshe Mitzvah
It’s really never too late. If you are interested in becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah as an adult, please contact Congregational Cantor Shelly Friedman: CantorFriedman@emanuelcong.org
Confirmation Class
Emanuel does not believe that Jewish education stops at bar or bat mitzvah. Emanuels students typically continue their religious studies for three additional years. Each year on erev Shavuot, our 10th grade class is confirmed and we welcome them into the adult community as they share what Judaism means to them. Confirmation class also offers a special opportunity to study with our rabbis.
Weddings and Commitments
If you are planning a wedding, you might want guidance and assistance from our staff. The Rabbis and staff at Emanuel will help you understand Jewish wedding traditions and help you find meaning for your ceremony.
Jew by Choice and Conversion
Emanuel congregation welcomes Jews by Choice and has worked with many through their conversion process. We host an annual Introduction to Judaism course sponsored by the Union of Reform Judaism. Please contact Cantor Shelly Drucker Friedman for a conversation about Judaism.
The Caring Committee wants to make sure that any Emanuel member who might need assistance during an illness receives it. Please contact the office to let us know how we can help.
Death and Grieving
Please contact the Emanuel staff immediately if there is a death in your family.
We can answer your questions, help with arrangements and offer other assistance.